MACDOWELL, EDWARD. (1860-1908). American composer, pianist and teacher. ALS. (“Edward MacDowell”). 1½pp. 8vo. New York, March 10, 1899. On two (repaired) sheets of illustrated Hotel Majestic letterhead. To a gentleman (Perhaps John G. W. Kuehl, a Steinway employee).
“In response to our conversation of yesterday I would like again to emphasize my wish expressed to you, that absolutely no complimentary tickets to my recital be issued – of course excepting to the personnel of the Steinway House [?] – by this I mean that I do not wish a single ticket given to pianists, teachers, etc. etc. What complimentary tickets of this kind are to be given out I will attend to myself. Will you kindly drop me a line giving the seating capacity of the hall – the number of press tickets and the number of those (if any are desired) by the Steinway personnel. In passing Schuberth’s yesterday I saw there was no announcement in their window although I noticed them elsewhere. I regret having failed to suggest having tickets on sale at my publisher’s P.L. Jung No. 4 E. 17th Str. And if it is not too late would suggest doing so now. Any extra printed material desired will be furnished by P.L. Jung who has orders from me to fill any orders of that kind received from Steinways. Yours truly…”