THOMSON, VIRGIL. (1896-1989). American composer, conductor and music critic. ALS. (“Virgil Thomson”). 1p. 8vo. New York, October 27, 1958. To Ken McCORMICK (1906-1997), editor-in-chief of Doubleday & Co.
“The only way for your young man to ‘get’ (to ‘dig’) the composer is to spend some years in the company of one (or more). Romain Rolland and Thomas Mann both of them failed. Their composers are just literary types pretending to write music. For the externals of composition like rehearsals, performances, broadcasts, the patronage world and all that, the recipe is the same – frequent some musicians. Naturally, if he has specific questions to ask, I should be glad to see him. Ask him to phone CHelsea 3-3700.”