35346One of the Greatest Authors of Love Letters Mentions Her Beloved: “I just read four pages from M. de Mora. They filled me with aching and tenderness”
Lespinasse, Julie de
One of the Greatest Authors of Love Letters Mentions Her Beloved: “I just read four pages from M. de Mora. They filled me with aching and tenderness”
33659Signed Airmail Envelope from the Very First Airplane Passenger on a Trans-Atlantic Flight
Levine, Charles A.
Signed Airmail Envelope from the Very First Airplane Passenger on a Trans-Atlantic Flight
37099Letter on Alfred North Whitehead’s “Adventures of Ideas:” “The first two or three and the last chapters are wonderful. The middle of the book is too much for me”
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Letter on Alfred North Whitehead’s “Adventures of Ideas:” “The first two or three and the last chapters are wonderful. The middle of the book is too much for me”
42002One of the First Three Astronauts to Fly to and Orbit the Moon Discusses “the true story of Apollo 13”
Lovell, James
One of the First Three Astronauts to Fly to and Orbit the Moon Discusses “the true story of Apollo 13”
15829Typed Postcard Signed to Babette Deutsch about May Swenson, “She is a true poet”
Lowell, Robert
Typed Postcard Signed to Babette Deutsch about May Swenson, “She is a true poet”
41044The Composer Adamantly Denies Free Tickets for His Steinway Concert: “I do not wish a single ticket given to pianists, teachers, etc. etc.”
MacDowell, Edward
The Composer Adamantly Denies Free Tickets for His Steinway Concert: “I do not wish a single ticket given to pianists, teachers, etc. etc.”
30368Small Archive of Letters from the Oscar-Winning Director of “Marty” on Professional and Civil War Matters
Mann, Delbert
Small Archive of Letters from the Oscar-Winning Director of “Marty” on Professional and Civil War Matters
40516Signed Publication Contract for “Cervantes, Goethe, Freud” in Portuguese
Mann, Thomas
Signed Publication Contract for “Cervantes, Goethe, Freud” in Portuguese
41444ALS Preparing to Conquer America: “for America there are many difficulties of an artistic nature – I do not want to go over there and make a bad impression artistically”
Mascagni, Pietro
ALS Preparing to Conquer America: “for America there are many difficulties of an artistic nature – I do not want to go over there and make a bad impression artistically”
18580A Handsome and Rare Half-Length, Gilt-Edged Boudoir Photograph of Massenet Inscribed to the “Cercle des Arts” in 1887
Massenet, Jules
A Handsome and Rare Half-Length, Gilt-Edged Boudoir Photograph of Massenet Inscribed to the “Cercle des Arts” in 1887
41051Massenet ALS About the Premiere of “Werther” and Contract for “Thais”
Massenet, Jules
Massenet ALS About the Premiere of “Werther” and Contract for “Thais”
42010Apollo 16 and Space Shuttle Astronaut TLS on Apollo 13: “NASA’s finest hour”
Mattingly, Thomas Kenneth
Apollo 16 and Space Shuttle Astronaut TLS on Apollo 13: “NASA’s finest hour”
40524ALS to a Close Friend of Clara Schumann Outlining a Concert Program
Mendelssohn, Felix
ALS to a Close Friend of Clara Schumann Outlining a Concert Program
41453ALS Assigning His Italian Publishing Rights to Ricordi
Mendelssohn, Felix
ALS Assigning His Italian Publishing Rights to Ricordi
42039Rare, Possibly Unique, Quotation from His Scottish Symphony
Mendelssohn, Felix
Rare, Possibly Unique, Quotation from His Scottish Symphony
39343Vibrant Musical Quotation by Giacomo Meyerbeer
Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Vibrant Musical Quotation by Giacomo Meyerbeer
41058Meyerbeer Recommends a young Female Jewish Pianist to Moscheles
Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Meyerbeer Recommends a young Female Jewish Pianist to Moscheles
41472Autograph Manuscript Signed Praising Cornélie Falcon Who Premiered Valentine in Les Huguenots
Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Autograph Manuscript Signed Praising Cornélie Falcon Who Premiered Valentine in Les Huguenots
34561Three-Page AMusMsS from his “Trois Chansons de Ronsard,” Written for Lily Pons
Milhaud, Darius
Three-Page AMusMsS from his “Trois Chansons de Ronsard,” Written for Lily Pons
41479Gracious Note from Leonard Bernstein’s Early Lover
Mitropoulos, Dimitri
Gracious Note from Leonard Bernstein’s Early Lover
41845ALS on His Preparedness “should the Russian fleet make any movements indicating an intention of going to sea”
Nelson, Horatio
ALS on His Preparedness “should the Russian fleet make any movements indicating an intention of going to sea”
39362The Irgun Courier Who Called the King David Hotel Warning of the Imminent Terror Bombing
Nissan, Adina-Hay
The Irgun Courier Who Called the King David Hotel Warning of the Imminent Terror Bombing
36790Co-Founder of Modern Zionism, Responds to an Autograph Collector
Nordau, Max
Co-Founder of Modern Zionism, Responds to an Autograph Collector
20002A Typed Letter Signed by the Nobel and Pulitzer Prize Winning Author to Nazi Sympathizer and Propagandist Otto Koischwitz
O'Neill, Eugene
A Typed Letter Signed by the Nobel and Pulitzer Prize Winning Author to Nazi Sympathizer and Propagandist Otto Koischwitz
36799Rare Autograph Letter by British Painter and Friend of William Blake
Palmer, Samuel
Rare Autograph Letter by British Painter and Friend of William Blake
41712Fair Copy of the First Two Verses of Home! Sweet Home!, the Most Popular American Song of the 19th Century
Payne, John Howard
Fair Copy of the First Two Verses of Home! Sweet Home!, the Most Popular American Song of the 19th Century
36808Letter Regarding His Meeting with China’s Delegation on its Historic 1915 Trip to New York City
Peary, Robert E.
Letter Regarding His Meeting with China’s Delegation on its Historic 1915 Trip to New York City
40879Rare ALS of Israel’s Nobel Prize-Winning Prime Minister
Peres, Shimon
Rare ALS of Israel’s Nobel Prize-Winning Prime Minister
40372ALS About His Libel Suit Against an Anti-Dreyfusard Newspaper
Picquart Georges-Marie
ALS About His Libel Suit Against an Anti-Dreyfusard Newspaper
40535ALS Written by Dreyfus’ Defender Ten Days Following his Prison Release
Picquart Georges-Marie
ALS Written by Dreyfus’ Defender Ten Days Following his Prison Release
38885Franklin Pierce and the Superintendent for the Insane
Pierce, Franklin
Franklin Pierce and the Superintendent for the Insane
41737Signed Contract for the Sale of His Mother’s Trucks
Porter, Cole
Signed Contract for the Sale of His Mother’s Trucks
41484Magnificent and Lengthy ALS on His Major Works
Poulenc, Francis
Magnificent and Lengthy ALS on His Major Works
40542A Leading American Gynecologist of the 19th Century
Price, Joseph
A Leading American Gynecologist of the 19th Century
41160ALS on the Doria Affair, “Madame Butterfly” and “La fanciulla del West”
Puccini, Giacomo
ALS on the Doria Affair, “Madame Butterfly” and “La fanciulla del West”
41167ALS to Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini
Puccini, Giacomo
ALS to Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini
41182ALS Taking on Fake News
Puccini, Giacomo
ALS Taking on Fake News
41496Puccini Writes During the Doria Scandal, Discussing His Attempts to Complete The Girl of the Golden West
Puccini, Giacomo
Puccini Writes During the Doria Scandal, Discussing His Attempts to Complete The Girl of the Golden West
40546Rare ALS by Founder of the Pullman Sleeping Car
Pullman, George
Rare ALS by Founder of the Pullman Sleeping Car
42044Rare, Youthful Signed Photograph of the Violin Virtuoso
Rabin, Michael
Rare, Youthful Signed Photograph of the Violin Virtuoso
39041Ravel Autograph Musical Ms. on a “Subject” by Massenet & a Minor Thought on Beethoven
Ravel, Maurice
Ravel Autograph Musical Ms. on a “Subject” by Massenet & a Minor Thought on Beethoven
39374Fine Single Page ALS of Maurice Ravel to a French Soprano
Ravel, Maurice
Fine Single Page ALS of Maurice Ravel to a French Soprano
38423Rare Autograph Letter by one of the Great French Beauties and Wits of the 19th Century
Recamier, Madame Jeanne
Rare Autograph Letter by one of the Great French Beauties and Wits of the 19th Century
40401Signed Book on the Dreyfus Affair with an Excellent Association
Reinach, Joseph
Signed Book on the Dreyfus Affair with an Excellent Association
42120Christmas Card Signed by the Pianist and His Wife, Soprano Nina Dorliak
Richter, Sviatoslav
Christmas Card Signed by the Pianist and His Wife, Soprano Nina Dorliak
41505ALS Written During the 1905 Revolution Mentioning Glazunov and Lyadov
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai
ALS Written During the 1905 Revolution Mentioning Glazunov and Lyadov
39792Rodin Recommends a Sculpture by Jean Escoula
Rodin, Auguste
Rodin Recommends a Sculpture by Jean Escoula
40811Rodin Sends His First Major Bronze to Patron Harry Graf Kessler
Rodin, Auguste
Rodin Sends His First Major Bronze to Patron Harry Graf Kessler