VAN DYKE, HENRY. (1852-1933). American clergyman, author, Princeton professor, and World War I diplomat. SP. (“Henry van Dyke”). 1p. Folio (13” x 17 ½”). N.p., N.d. A striking oval bust portrait of van Dyke looking straight into the camera signed beneath the image by him and the photographer (undecipherable).
The son of an anti-abolitionist clergyman who traced his American roots to 17th-century Dutch settlers, van Dyke was an influential author, professor of English literature at Princeton from 1899-1923, and a member of the Presbyterian Church, where he served on the committee that developed the first printed liturgy, the 1906 Book of Common Worship. In 1913, van Dyke’s friend and classmate, Woodrow Wilson, appointed him minister to the Netherlands and Luxembourg, where he skillfully managed the exodus of Americans leaving Europe via Holland at the outbreak of World War I. His literary contributions include hymns like the popular “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee,” poems such as “Time Is” and a copious number of short stories including “The Other Wise Man.” Helen Keller was a close friend and van Dyke officiated at Mark Twain’s funeral.
In surprisingly fine condition but for a small, closed tear at the upper margin.