NORDAU, MAX. (1849-1923). Hungarian-German physician, social commentator and Zionist leader; co-founder, with Theodor Herzl, of the World Zionist Organization. ALS. (“Dr. M. Nordau”). 1½ pp. Small 8vo. Paris, April 1, 1898. Written in English to a collector, likely residing in British Guiana.
“I congratulate you to your very interesting and valuable collection of autographs – of course I suppose you have not formed it in the out-of-the world place where you are now residing, but probably have brought it together in Europe.
Never mind the 25 centimes – (5 cents) stamp this letter is costing me. But if you will absolutely refund this trifle, you may send me Br[itish] Guiana post-stamps, old or recent ones, to the value of 5 cents, as I have children who have a fancy for collecting post-stamps. (I mean of course stamps that have been used, not new ones that may still be used.)…”